Sunday, February 3, 2008


The Family Presents: (the long awaited) Mytho-Poetic Mixtape


The Mytho-Poetic Mix-Tape is a collective art project currently in progress. Upon completion it will be a 24 track double CD accompanied by an illustrated pamphlet that will include the track-list, lyrics and an explanation of the project as well as details about the making of. Within the artwork of The Mix-Tape is a story-line that occurs over a period of eight seasons. Although it has been called a "coming of age story", it is more than the story of the changes that take place within one young man as he matures. The Mix-Tape chronicles the changes that take place not only in himself, but in everything around him - his friends, family, schools, country, planet, his reality. The Mix-Tape is a story of struggle and growth, of love and loss, of pain, of abandonment, of death - and experiences that may be far worse. The Mix-Tape is also a story of redemption, of beauty, of bliss and of birth. The Mix-Tape is a bitter sweet story of the inevitable losses that occur with the passage of time and the unimagined wonders that lie always in tomorrow's heart.

The Mytho-Poetic Mix-Tape is experimental and does not fall under any category of music or art that I have encountered. The inspiration for the music comes from countless styles and the artists who contribute range from Prog. Rock Post Hardcore bass guitar players to Folk Revivalist singers. Magic, war, sex, drugs, freedom and escape are explored in lyrics inspired by Hip-Hop, Folk, Emo, Spoken Word, Haiku and several styles of English language page poetry. The Mix-Tape is at once mysterious and recognizable, a distant yet familiar soil.

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