Sunday, February 3, 2008


Why is it called "The Mix-Tape"?

I wanted the design of the project to be like a Mix-Tape for a friend at it's most basic level. Beyond that it is for a group of friends, and for a generation and a planet. But beneath that all each song is put together in a mix for one person to listen to; to know that no matter where you are you've heard the songs that made me think of you.

Why are you pursuing this dream still?

For those who believed in us: as well as those who believe in us now; those who doubted; those who still do (who not that right?).

For the tiny little prayers to father time that were never answered, the dreams that never came true. For the fact that "memories will fade", and the fact that you can lose the most important part of yourself and find it again in someone that you never met but always knew. Because I was completely empty, and the emptiness was filled by the world of wonder, which is happening all around me and within me all of the time.

For all my friends.

For the things that you cannot understand, for the things you can't explain, for the truth that we can all feel.

For every community and institution whose pronounced influence I am proud to represent.

To work with amazing people and bring friends together.

As a testament.

To know the power of words, and the beauty of music. And the power they have had in my life:
for me to empathize with, to empower me, to help me grow, to help me know I wasn't alone, or to let me feel how alone I was in all it's beauty, cry to, make love to, drink to, smoke to. To remind me of the beauty that I see, that hope is as real as despair, and that the light at the end of the tunnel is as brilliant and warms the tunnel that leads to it is dark and cold and empty.

Why you?

Because I was raised with a love of capturing moments. My mother a photographer, my father a poet - all my life I have labored over the page and the screen, the canvas and the instrumental.

Because I have love for so many communities, and individuals, each one a fragment, an aspect of a bigger whole. For the postcards I didn't get to send when I was abroad. For the connections I never made when I was home. To let you see the sides of me that you have never seen, and The Family that you know so well.

Why now?

The Mix-Tape takes us through many seasons of change, but it is at it's heart, and it's conclusion, about spring. The season of rebirth, rejuvenation, renaissance, awakenings, and growth. The Mix-Tape takes us from the melancholy early spring, through the freedom of summer, the goodbyes, the brisk fall and freezing winter, all the way back through to another and yet another beautiful spring.

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